Welcome to My Blog

Insights and musings on technology, coding, and beyond.

Effect of Rapid Weight Loss on Wrestlers

Research on the effects of rapid weight reduction on physical, physiological, and biochemical transients of wrestlers.

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Simplifying Docker

A dive into simplifying Docker Compose and Testcontainers integration with Spring Boot.

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Sequenced Collections in Java 21

Exploring new collection types introduced in the latest Java release.

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Machine Learning: Supervised vs Unsupervised

Understanding the differences and applications of supervised and unsupervised learning in Machine Learning.

Key Enhancements from Java 14 to 21

Discover the latest advancements and features introduced in Java, from version 14 to 21.

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Spring Boot to Quarkus with GraalVM

A dive into Spring Boot to Quarkus with GraalVM.

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